Ayurvedic Soup Recipe: Mung Bean Soup

Mung Bean Soup Recipe

Mung Bean Soup Recipe

This tridoshic and natural detoxification soup is one of the powerful soups in Ayurveda. Ancient Ayurveda explains that mung bean soup works by cleansing liver and  gall bladder. Since this Ayurvedic soup helps to detoxify your body, by consuming this soup every other day will promote weight loss and removal of any retained water in your body. This tridoshic light meal helps to correct digestive issues such as low appetite, acidity, loose motion, and gas while enhancing tranquillity, energy and vitality. Moreover, this mung bean soup recipe is excellent for conditions of fever. According Ayurvedic texts, this soup is a high protein combination and an energizer when used with rice and chapatis.

Required Ingredients

• 1 cup of whole green mung beans
• 5-6 cups of water
• 1 table spoons of Ghee
• 1 table spoon of whole cumin seeds
• 1 table spoons of whole black mustard seeds
• 1 pinch of asafetida
• 2 large cloves of garlic, chopped
• 5 curry leaves, fresh or dried
• 1 small handful of coriander leaves, chopped
• 1/ 2 teaspoon of turmeric
• 1/ 2 teaspoon of salt or salt to taste
• 1/ 2 teaspoon of garam masala powder
• Small pan
• 1 soup pot

(Above ingredients can purchased from Indian grocery shops)


• Wash the beans thrice and soak overnight in plenty of water
• Darin. Add the beans to a soup pot along with 4 cups of water and bring them to a boil. (stir beans occasionally to prevent sticking)
• Cook them in medium heat, uncovered for 30 minutes
• Add 1 more cup of water and continue to cook another 15-20 minutes or until these beans are tender.
• Set aside the beans
• Heat the safflower oil in a smaller pan or a frying pan until medium hot
• Then add the mustard seeds, cumin seeds and hing.
• In a moment when the seeds pop, stir in the garlic and wait until it gets light brown.
• Next, add the curry leaves, coriander, turmeric and garam masala powder.
• Make sure to mix them quickly.
• Stir this spice mixture into the soup and add salt.
• Bring to a boil for 2 minutes and serve.

Please note that this recipe is for 4 to 6 servings. Add more water on how thick you want the soup. Enjoy!