Takradhara Treatment

Takradhara is a specially prescribed treatment that couples a fully body massage with ‘takra’ or herbalised buttermilk being poured over the forehead in a continuous stream. The treatment is similar to the Shirodhara treatment that we offer, which you can read about here. The use of specially formulated buttermilk, infused with 10 potent Ayurvedic herbs,  is purported to purify toxins, stimulate the endocrine system and enhance blood circulation to the brain. Buttermilk has tremendous cooling properties making it the ideal liquid to help relax the mind and reduce mental stress. This treatment is often recommended for those suffering from:
  • Insomnia
  • Skin disorders
  • Stress and nervous tension
  • Digestive issues
Your treatment at the centre will start with a soothing foot soak while an Ayurvedic consultant begins massaging the head, shoulders and neck. After hopping up onto the beautifully carved wooden treatment bed, you will enjoy a full body massage using warm herbal oils that penetrate deeply through the skin into the tissue and muscles. As traditional Indian Gandharva music plays softly in the background, the Takradhara will begin and a continuous stream of warm, herbal buttermilk will be poured over your forehead as you alternately doze and reconnect with yourself. The treatment is concluded in the specially designed meditation space where guests can sip freshly brewed tea and rest quietly as their body and mind recalibrates after their treatment. Other benefits:
  • Helps overcome stress and calms the nervous system
  • Helps combat insomnia, anxiety and chronic headaches
  • Re-ignites mental creativity
  • Invigorates the body and mind
  • Improves memory and mental clarity
  • Rejuvenates the face and softens worry lines
  • Opens the third eye
  • Increases spiritual awareness
Treatment time: 45 min + 45 min + 30 min sound therapy/meditation  Treatment Cost: $350